Oh, yeah, 2006
I haven’t blogged anything yet this year, mostly because there’s been nothing to say. 2006, frankly, feels so much like 2005 I think it’s the least significant new year I’ve ever had.
I haven’t blogged anything yet this year, mostly because there’s been nothing to say. 2006, frankly, feels so much like 2005 I think it’s the least significant new year I’ve ever had.
I’m not a very good writer. I hope that from time to time I pop out a fairly interesting piece, I can get quite passionate about music and I know a few words. Really, my lack of experience shows. Most noticeably, I overuse certain words and phrases. Especially when proof reading, I swap one phrase for another, inadvertently causing a repetition in the subsequent paragraph.
The Carson Summit draws closer and people are starting to make plans for meet-ups and birthday parties. Mostly meet-ups though.
Riffs launched later on in 2005 and I whilst I didn’t really �get it� at first, I did go back and managed to have some fun. Notably, I realised that really, Riffs has the potential to be “Amazon Customer Reviews” for everything on the net.
Hoorah, a meme.
I honestly hope that this year we see a bank stand up and say “here’s an online service that’s actually integral to the way you work”. At a time when public internet services are sucking up Ajax and open data from party pitchers, I want to know whether online banking is going to make a similar, user-centric leap forward.