Ben Ward is a technologist, software engineer and product manager from Cambridge (UK), currently residing in San Francisco.
I've been noodling with the internet for two decades, having graduated UMIST, worked at major tech institutions such as Yahoo, Twitter, and Fitbit, and contributed to major web standards such as microformats and CSS. In addition to writing software and building products, I serve as technical director and radio show host for local community station BFF.fm, and sporadically like to write — sometimes even here on this blog.
For a more thorough professional summary, see my LinkedIn profile.
The internet is wonderfully decentralised, I'm usually identifiable with the handle benward, or sometimes bnwrd. I maintain a directory of my profiles on various social and media sites.
This site
This site is maintained and hosted by myself, using the excellent Jekyll static site generator. It's a stock install with various hacks bolted on, in particular to generate the persistent calendar-based archives. You can learn about how it works by looking at the source code on Github.
Inconveniently, there are other Bens Ward. Here follows a handy list of namesakes I've stumbled upon, whom you may be looking for instead. It does not include the ones who keep trying to reset my Instagram password.
- Ben Ward, comedian, television writer and showrunner, UK.
- Ben Ward, musician, New York
- Ben Ward, BMX stunt rider
- Ben Ward, network operations engineer, Oxfordshire, UK
You could also have me confused with Ben Werdmüller, who goes by the alias benwerd. We know each other. He's not me either.