Ben Ward

Betsy McCaughey Interview on The Daily Show


Betsy McCaughey Interview on The Daily Show

This is it then. Jon Stewart’s nightly half hour of satirical comedy is confirmed as the only space on American television where a non-partisan, intellectual and intelligent debate can be had, and then given a fair, unmanipulated airing. Oh, and that’s despite him humming the tune to Yakity Sax in the middle.

First the financial showdown with Jim Cramer, then the Mike Huckabee abortion interview, and now this, with Betsy McCaughey who sits at the centre of the ‘Death Panels’ distraction in the US healthcare ‘debate’. Jon Stewart is the only anchor who will debate on raw facts and evidence, won’t try to spin the interview in the direction of his personal agenda, and when he runs out of time, puts the full unedited interview on the web.

In this instance, she undermines herself with a lack of evidence, no citations and incomprehensible misreadings of the legislation that Stewart quotes to her, and of course they disagree, but the presentation is not party-political biased. It’s refreshing. Via:

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