Ben Ward

Hectic City 8e - Burned In A Feathering Pyre



It’s 1:30 am on a mild but damp San Francisco winter night. Friday. It’s dark and I’ve just walked the streets of Hayes Valley and Mission Dolores, heading home after a night with great friends. On my iPod plays the final (fifth) mix from Eric Kleptone’s review of 2008. The set list is below, but I urge you to play it. It’s a set of sublime, truly moving beautiful music. It touches you and, should you be playing it in isolation as you wander the streets of a city you love, you’ll find it enhances everything around you.

Something about this mix, at this moment, defines what it is to love music. To love a place. To love people near to you. It’s just right. Perfect, somehow. Mixed seamlessly, and yet not a dance beat to be heard.

If you have the time to be absorbed into something, or even if you don’t, I urge you to listen to this. It’s a fragment of last year’s music presented in a way that’s simply timeless.

## Set list

  1. Pacific UV - Alarmist
  2. Shearwater - Rooks
  3. Bon Iver - Blindsided
  4. Evangelista - The Blue Room
  5. Thomas Brinkmann - Words
  6. Portishead - The Rip
  7. Peter Broderick - Stopping On The Broadway Bridge
  8. James Blackshaw - Echo And Abyss
  9. The Caretaker - Long Term (Remote)

Eric Keltone’s Hectic City podcast #8e

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