Ben Ward

T'is but a scratch!


So, iMafia on the iPhone is awesome. Leslie has me completely addicted to it. Turns out, whilst the duelling pit normally pairs you with people of the same strength, once you befriend someone you can fight them no matter what level they’re at.

I’ll be honest. This did not go well. Predictably, it transpires there’s good reason why the fight-mode has matchmaking.

I was lucky to get away with my life. Don’t think I’ll be clicking that button again. I’ve also wondered what happens if I click ‘Punch Leslie’, but, y’know, it’s rude to hit girls.

Screengrab reads:

You lost the fight! You took 27 damage and dealt 2 damage to the enemy.

Your mafia fought with: 2 Body Armors, 1 Shotguns, 1 MP5s, 1 VW Bugs.

sidewithus’s mafia fought with: 1 Rocket Launchers, 12 Body Armors, 6 Pimped Hummers, 5 Kevlar Vests, 1 Camo Gears, 5 Cadillac Sedaneetes, 1 Police Humvees, 2 Machine Guns, 15 M4A1 Colts, 3 Mercedes SL500s, 3 VW Bugs.

I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, the scale of my defeat, or iMafia’s grasp of plurals.

Six pimped Hummers‽

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