Ben Ward

What's in your folder of shame?


<a href=“” “Jeffrey Veen”>Jeffrey Veen asks ‘What’s in your folder of shame?’, referring to the ‘drafts’ folder. Unfinished blogs, second thoughts? We’ve all got them. Since we’re sharing, here’s my current list of working titles:

There was another one that might be worth mention for ‘mild bemusement’ value. It contained no text at all, not even a note to remind me what to write, and was entitled ‘Poor Jon Hicks’. It was very old, but I have not the faintest incling of an idea what it was supposed to say. It’s been deleted now, so if Jon was owed any sympathy for something about 6 months ago, I’m afraid he’ll just have to cope without.

The rest of those in the list might get finished. Perhaps.


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  1. I don’t have a “folder of shame”, anything I might want to say tends to either get thought about and either posted or not – I don’t like only going half way :D

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