Ben Ward

28 Days

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It is quite strange to think that I arrived in San Francisco a full lunar month ago. I’m in a disorienting ‘it feels like longer’/‘it feels like yesterday’ limbo.

28 days ago was my first night in this temporary apartment. A neutral but very pleasant place to the south of North Beach with a quite stunning view of the bay, Alcatraz, and that Mediterranean looking tower that I forever forget the name of. Tonight is my last night here, tomorrow I shift over to my permanent new digs in the awesome (and very sunny) Mission district. It’s going to be a bit odd, what with having no furniture, but I’m really pleased with the location and the relief of having somewhere that I really like outweighs it all.

Finding somewhere, and ordering the first wave of furniture has helped me focus on the rest of life a bit too. Everything went a bit wild when I landed. I ended up discarding the remaining blog drafts from my flight. They weren’t as complete as the others and I couldn’t make anything coherent from them. And then an iPhone upgrade accidentally wiped them out, just to be sure.

At least one of those concerned the (ever lovely) Dot, who has moved in the opposite direction around the world, imposing a 9 hour time difference on us. Would we actually stay in touch? Would the time shift be surmountable? These and other generic ponderings have actually shaken out well. At this point we’ve established a pretty regular Skype routine going and I have to arrange shipment of a plushy companion cube one third the way around the globe.

The biological family have got the hang of Skype too, which is keeping me in the loop much more than I’d expected.

I’m staring at a strange week of frantic furniture acquisition (I’m in the market for a dining table and chairs, if you’re interested), since the new apartment is totally empty. I’ll be sleeping on a mattress for a bit, since the bed frame won’t arrive instantly either. I intend to slum it, since I think living in the apartment will act as motivation to furnish it properly, whereas running off to a spare room elsewhere will likely prolong the whole process.

I reserve the right to reverse that decision when it affects my sleep.

Now that I’ve got some grasp of how long it takes for furniture to get delivered, I reckon we’re on for a housewarming in early October.

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