Ben Ward


. Updated: .

As you may perhaps have noticed, there are some changes afoot, visually. This was all rather done on the spur of the moment so I’m not yet entirely sure what those visual changes are going to be. There are sketches in my Moleskin I’m keen to try out, plus I want to better include Flickr photos and a stream from Tumblr (which is a fantastic way to post impulsively, I’ve found). I hope it will be awesome.

The animating hand that everyone seems to love will return. You’ll have to make do with a static one for now though.


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  1. Ben

    No, the hand isn’t traced, just sketched. I can sketch, y’know.

    Trouble is, I don’t think I’m strong enough to pull it off for the style of the whole site so I’m not quite sure that the Real Thing will end up like.

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