Ben Ward

Ben Goodger moves to Google


Firefox lead developer Ben Goodger has taken a job at Google. His role in the Mozilla Foundation remains the same as before and he’s not leaving or taking a reduced role or anything like that. In fact reading his post you could be forgiven for thinking that Google were employing him to work on Firefox.

Anyway, congratulations Ben, I do hope that Google have got you working on some interesting stuff.

Of course, I do hope he realises that by disclosing this the crazed cries of “Google Browser!!” will have reappeared before I’ve even finished posting this comment. If I were you, I’d duck right. about. now…


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  1. Certainly interesting news for gbrowser – if they really are working on it. I imagined Ben would be the one they went for. Good to see that he’s not leaving the moz foundation, and it’ll be interesting to see what they get him on if it turns out gbrowser is a dud.

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