Ben Ward


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In what is best describe as �bloody brilliant�, Andy Budd has announced a last minute, grass-roots web standards conference taking place in Brighton next month. When the ticket price comes in at a student friendly �50 and a 4-week advance ticket from Manchester to Stevie weighs in at �10, you know you’re on to a winner.

The best bit is that whilst @media was a fantastic experience for me, the content wasn’t especially challenging, d.Construct is focused on the dynamic web (there’s a ghastly buzzword for that which I’ll omit). It involves a lot of scripting and dealing with webservice APIs. Two skills where I’m pretty low-rung. Not only can I hopefully meet up with some of those from @media again, but I should also learn an awful lot (placing me somewhere between head-explosion and ascension, I expect).

Update: Stevie and I are both going. Fabulous.

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