Ben Ward


. Updated: .

I just suggested that Jo search Flickr for Kittens. She may never again leave the house.

I don’t know what to do, maybe just resign myself to a life vegetating in front of porn.


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  1. we have a new kitten. she is 8 weeks old, pure white, vivid blue eyes, long haired and vicious as fuck. she rocks.

  2. Didn’t you know?
    Every time someone uses a <font> tag, Tim Berners–Lee kills a kitten!
    It’s not so much that he doesn’t like them; it’s that he thinks they taste too good to resist!

  3. Ben

    Why does a random post about kittens generate more comments than posts about design, software or web development? Something here is a askew.

  4. I never said Sir Tim didn’t like kittens, I just said that they probably weren’t a dominant feature in his vision for the World Wide Web.

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