Ben Ward


. Updated: .

I’m having an awful day. For some reason I woke up and my mind elected it was going to see every glass half-empty, feel irrational negativity and generally put a downer on everything that comes up and comes to mind. It’s the kind of day where really I’d have been better off staying in bed, burying my head and desperately hoping tomorrow would come around and give me a better chance.

Thankfully there is one thing that lifts my spirits a little and though she’s buried under coursework, at least Flickr keeps her just a click away.

I love you Hanni Ross. I’m going to miss you so much this week.


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  1. " For some reason I woke up and my mind elected it was going to see every glass half-empty, feel irrational negativity and generally put a downer on everything that comes up and comes to mind. "

    You sound like my Mrs…. ;)

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