Ben Ward

How to mark up images with captions


In my previous post I included an image with a caption. I struck me that right now in HTML there is no proper way to mark-up captions for images.

Consider a table: this can contain a <caption> element. In the forthcoming XHTML 2 specification, caption will be extended for use with the <object/> element as well. This – of course – is the preferred way of including multimedia content such as images.

Before then, however, there’s a bit of a problem. Hence I’m experimenting and looking for some thoughtful feedback on the matter.

In the previous post I’ve marked up my image and caption using a <abbr title="Definition List">dl</abbr> element. Each definition list item has a title (dt) and a description (dd). My semantic interpretation (or argument for) here is that the title is the caption and the description is the content. I think this makes semantic sense. Bear in mind that definition lists are a flexible element in that they can also be used to mark up conversations (title being the name of a person, description being their dialogue). I think this use of mark-up fits into that precedent.
That said, it results in a list of one item which may or may not be correct for a standard practice like captioning an image. Is this an undesirable flaw?

Alternatives could involve marking up with a heading and containing it within a div element, or maybe marking up the caption as <abbr title="emphasis">em</abbr> or strong to mark it different from the text flow.

However, I don’t think much these latter ideas.

Dismissing heading first (this is easier): A heading represents the start of section. The image is not a separate section of my document. Also, if my blog title was h1 and my image caption h2, I can’t have content after the h2 without declaring another h1 (to return to document to the same level – text before the image was written within a h1 section, thus text that follows the image (but is in the same section as text before the image) should also be within a first level heading section. HTML doesn’t do that though. There isn’t a section tag (yet), but there is no sensible need to have another first level heading in the middle of my content. I’d call that incorrect.

The strong mark-up could work better, it does at least respect the document structure. However, while it seems to offer presentational benefit (bold text, a screen reader would emphasise it). it doesn’t offer any benefit in structure. A single-item list groups the image and the caption together, this does not.

So, in the absense of true-to-purpose mark-up for captions – what would you choose?

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