Ben Ward

Oh, yeah, 2006

. Updated: .

I haven’t blogged anything yet this year, mostly because there’s been nothing to say. 2006, frankly, feels so much like 2005 I think it’s the least significant new year I’ve ever had.

That said, having moved back up to Manchester a few weeks early to revise for some exams, I’ve started to get things in order and review what�s on offer from the year ahead:

Which all means that from having had a fairly sedate Christmas break at home with the family, life has very suddenly got busy again. I don’t really know how it happened�

Happy (belated) New Year.


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  1. I was kidnapped once. Long story. Case of mistaken identity. It won’t happen again – although if I end up in my beloved Iceland maybe it won’t be so bad.

  2. First exam’s Requirements Eng, I take it (either that or you’re fitting something in before 9:45 on the 16th :D) It doesn’t seem too bad so far, but then again it does. There’s a lot of paper to the notes, but a lot of it doesn’t seem to say very much. A big chunk of it just seems to be the modelling stuff as well, which is mostly a minor extension on the previous ER diagrams.

    Meh, who knows what the exam’ll be like. Maybe I should check out some past papers at some point!

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