Ben Ward

OK Computer is 10

. Updated: .

10 years ago, on Monday June 16th 1997, OK Computer was released. This record changed my life and the reality that an entire decade has passed with it as my persistent soundtrack is both awesome and terrifying.

Take some time to play it today, all the way through. It’s rare that something so special is created; 58 minutes and 45 seconds of your time is the least you can give.

You know, you know where you are with,
you know where you are with,
floor collapsing, falling, bouncing back
and one day, I am gonna grow wings


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  1. Ben, that is so weird. I listened to OK Computer this morning, completely on a whim, not having listened to it for some time.

    I also had no idea that it was 10 years old.

    10 years, though. Blimey! Seems like only yesterday, etc, etc.

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