Ben Ward

Peanut Butter Crumpets


I’d never eaten peanut butter outside of a Satay sauce before, but Jon Hicks mentioned something in his mcville interview that made me outrageously hungry:

…hot buttered crumpets with big lashings of peanut butter (all melting into the crumpet!)

All I’m going to say is this: Listen to the man, he knows of what he speaks.
And now I’m hungry again.


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  1. mmmmm Killer Crumpets!

    Ok, so not only has Jon worked his way into all of my vavourite browsers (OmniWeb, Safari via pimping, and, obviously, Firefox) now he’s working his way into my diet too!

    Jon: Maybe is in order, linking to fabulous cheeses and crumpet toppings?

  2. Ben

    Steve – already exists, why do you need PimpMyDiet?


  3. I have to try those peanut butter crumpets. They sure sound yumlicious. Unlike you, I am quite experienced in peanut butter eating. Don’t get me wrong, satay is great and all, but there are so many other peanut buttery delights out there. Ever heard of “Chipped Chicken a la Pete”? Look it up if you haven’t. Mmmm-MMM! Peanut butter isn’t just for entrees and appetizers either… there is an entire UNIVERSE of desserts that involve some form of the gooey, rich and chewy ambrosia. Peanut butter, unlike plain peanuts, is actually a processed food which can be purchased in a jar. Many people are confused by this point. Please do your homework next go ‘round and get back to me when you’ve got it all sorted out.

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