Ben Ward



Working at Yahoo and still using cables to upload photos? Wireless uploads to Flickr, Picasa and this site with your existing camera.

Advertisers on Facebook using fields of my profile to ‘personalise’ an ad. However, the fact that I work at Yahoo has nothing at all to do with what they’re advertising. It’s obvious that the exact same ad will be displayed to employees of other companies with a Google logo rather than Yahoo.

The result is not an ad that’s any more relevant to me, but instead it’s unnecessarily creepy for having raided through my profile.

I’ve had Eye-Fi cards in the past and they’re pretty cool, but this ad really hurts their brand.

I appreciate it’s a new field for marketeers, and they’re probably all wetting themselves at the possibility of using personal information in any way. But surely it doesn’t take much to see that this isn’t useful?

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