Ben Ward

9.12 DC Tea Party - Interviews


9.12 DC Tea Party - Interviews

At the less (but still a bit) snarky end of 9/12 coverage comes this 10 minute set of interviews. It’s a guy wandering through the crowds in DC, filming the various batshit aspects of the protesters and their sloganeering, but also engaging them. And not ‘engaging’ in a shouting-across-the-street, taking the piss way. Engaging in an actual calm, intelligent way.

He asks direct questions that should be very simple for a protester aligned with these values to answer, and when the responses are confused and wrong, he talks to them about it. Challenges them with facts. Quiet, contemplative, slightly bewildered reactions are common.

Maybe this he got through to some people. Reminded them to think. Maybe they carried on to the rally and came out freshly indoctrinated toward this faux uprising. I don’t like writing people off; I hope they left with their independent thought intact. Via:

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