Ben Ward

And now it's time for ‘That Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means’.



McCarthyism: The intense opposition, countering, fear and suspicion of Communism, particularly in the United States during the 1950s.


McCarthyite: A follower of McCarthyism


Emphasis mine.

So you’re saying that she’s un-American because she’s making “politically motivated accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence”? (McCarthism, Wikipedia).

No. No, that isn’t what you’re trying to say at all. You’re trying to tie her to communism again, aren’t you? Trouble is, of course, that you have no fucking clue who Joseph McCarthy was or what he did. It’s you and your angry mob, with your incessant cries of ‘socialism’, ‘communism’, ‘Nazis’ and posters of Obamahitler acting in the true spirit of McCarthy.

You’ve just heard your demigods on Fox say ‘McCarthy’ and ‘Communism’ enough times in the same sentences that you assume it must be an insult at the opposition. Plus, long words impress you, and you want to make your mob look intellectually equal to those Liberal elitist scum that you’ve been conditioned to hate. So, you painted it on your banner and you marched it around Washington without a fucking hint of an clue.

You are insultingly stupid.

You’re being used, of course. But having shit for brains is not a valid excuse. If it ever was, not any more. Not now. Not when you’re doing so much damage to discourse. It’s embarrassing.

There’s a sad punchline to this sort of thing. Will anyone (perhaps besides Jon Stewart) on the sane side of these protests stand up and call out the astroturfed morons for what they are? Does anyone have the balls to see through this fake mob and write them off? It’s depressingly doubtful that there will be a rebuke from anyone of weight. That’s what leaves me most angry. It’s not just the racism, lies, mob mentality and/or sheer wrongness of this scene, it’s that they are allowed to get away with it.

Via The Storming Of Capitol Hill, Part Two | TPM Photo Galleries Via:

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