Ben Ward

Quotes about me


This made me smile earlier on in the most childish of ways.

Apart from that fact that I manged to intuitively guess the operation of the hReview microformat (one which I’m not familar, hCal and hCard are more my thing at the moment), I can now claim the following was said of me by a highly respected member of internet society:

Ben – you’re right

Consider the magnatude of it: My CV will be a doddle; references from the McDonald’s summer job a thing of a tragic past now forgotten.

Alternatively, I can displace McDonald’s with Oxton’s fine endorsement:

[the] prize goes to Ben Ward for being one of life’s true dingleberries.

Apparently some other people have been saying that I’m a ‘nice guy’ behind my back, but who needs word-of-mouth endorsements when you can abuse context like this?

Ever had anything good said about you?


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  1. Ben

    ‘Brit Packer’, reminds me a little too much of Newround’s junior reporters club matey. I’d stick to ‘Proud Members’.

    And yes, I know what a dingleberry is. I felt it was a good one to include in case anyone accidently took me seriously.

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